- 200-250g de haricots verts, cuits à l'eau bouillante
- 150-200g de gésiers confits, revenus à la poêle
- 1 poignée de noix, broyées
- 2 tomates grappes, coupées en morceaux
- 1cc de moutarde à l'ancienne
- 1 petite orange, pressée
- 1 cs de sauce soja
On mélange, on parsème, on touille. Easy.
Une bonne façon de manger des haricots verts pour les non-amateurs...
The result is a sort of cultural insecurity among the majority, non-immigrant British. If you are an immigrant and also a UK citizen, the chances are you have dual identity. Let's say for the sake of argument you are Muslim and British. The split in your identity probably coincides with a split between public and private personae. At work, in the shops, in the street you are British. At home, around the dining table, you are Muslim. When the world outside your front door is a bewildering, insecure, chaotic global marketplace, your private cultural identity isn't a luxury, it is an existential necessity. It keeps you sane. If, however, you are part of the overwhelming majority of white, non-devout Christians, no such cultural safety net exists. Your culture is the mass culture, which is global consumer culture, which is no culture at all.
The Guardian
2 commentaires:
J'ai fait la même chose avec de la feuille de chêne et un citron pour l'assaisonnement y a qqs jours :) Comme quoi les grands esprits se rencontrent ... Biz
Miam, j'adore les gésiers de canard. Je fais exactement la même recette pour les accompagner! As tu essayé les foies de volailles? C'est délicieux!
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