- 400g agneau haché
- 2 petites carottes, coupées en petits cubes
- 1 gros oignon, haché finement
- 400g de tomates en boîte
- 1 bouquet de thym frais
- 1cs de ketchup
- 1cs d'huile d'olive
- 2 grosses pommes de terre type Charlotte
- 1 noix de beurre
- fromage à râpé type cheddar ou gruyère
la viande
1. Faire colorer la viande sur feu moyen dans l'huile
2. Débarrasser la sauteuse de la viande
3. Filtrer le surplus de gras
4. Faire revenir l'oignon 10 minutes à feu doux
5. Ajouter les dés de carottes et poursuivre 5 minutes
6. Remettre la viande
7. Verser les tomates
8. Assaisonner de sel, de thym et de ketchup
9. Mouiller d'eau ou de bouillon (500mL)
10. Laisser mijoter 45 minutes à petit voire tout petit feu
le mash
1. Cuire les pommes de terre à l'eau bouillante salée
2. Ecraser la chair à la fourchette
3. Incorporer en même temps le beurre et le lait
la finition
1. Garnir un plat à gratin de la viande mijotée
2. Recouvrir d'une couche de mash
3. Disposer des copeaux de fromage par-dessus
4. Gratiner à four chaud une quinzaine de minutes.
La sauce de la viande doit être bien épaisse et parfumée. On peut encore rajouter des herbes sèches genre romarin, origan, pour parfumer.
There are ghosts sitting in the Cottage bar in Glasgow's Calton area. The locals call them the missing generation, the men who died before their time. Sometimes the drinkers dip their heads or lift their pints to them. They may not see them but all the drinkers know they are there. Jimmy, Swifty, Davy and many more. (...)
In the Calton, according to statistics compiled by NHS Health Scotland, 26% of the population say their health is not good and 52% smoke, compared with 25% of Scotland's average population. Alcohol abuse admissions to hospital are way above the national average. Also eating away at Calton's life expectancy are cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, drug overdose and suicide. For here, deprivation bites into almost every home: 44% are on incapacity benefit, 37% live in a workless household and 30% of homes are occupied by a lone parent. (...)
Another Cottage customer said that food was the problem: "It's all the shite they are eating. They wouldn't even know what a good dinner is, they don't know what mince and totties or stew is. That's how your child birth weights are down. The mother not eating and her iron and protein levels are down. They call it the Posh Spice syndrome. The wean has no chance right away."
In Iraq, life expectancy is 67. Minutes from Glasgow city centre, it's 54
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