jeudi, janvier 19, 2006

Mange des carottes, ca rend aimable !

  • 4 carottes, pas trop grosses ni trop dures, râpées
  • 1 bouquet de coriandre fraîche, hachée
  • 4cs d'huile d'olive
  • 1/2 citron pressé
  • 1 petite mandarine pressée ou un trait d'orange (facultatif)
  • quelques olives vertes (facultatif), en morceaux
  • 2 poignées de graines de sesame blond
  • sel, poivre noir concassé

Mélanger l'huile, les jus d'agrumes et la coriandre
Ajouter les carottes et les olives
Parsemer de graines de sésame
Mélanger le tout
Assaisonner de sel et de poivre.

Les carottes font très bons ménage avec la coriandre, aussi bien en version crue que cuite.

I think it must have been just after ten in the morning when I saw a silver light far up in the sky. A brilliant flash of silver. That's right, it was definitely light reflecting off something metal. That light moved very slowly in the sky from east to west. We all thought it had to be a B-29. It was directly above us, so to see it we had to look straight up. There was a clear blue sky, and the light was so bright all we could see was that silver, Duralumin-like object.
But we couldn't make out the shape, since it was too far up. I assumed that they couldn't see us either, so we weren't afraid of being attacked or having bombs suddenly rain down on us. Dropping bombs in the mountains here would be pretty pointless anyway. I reckoned the plane was on its way to bomb some large city somewhere, or maybe on its way back from a raid. So we kept walking. All I thought was how that light had a strange beauty to it.

Haruki Murakami, Kafka sur le rivage.

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