jeudi, août 25, 2005

Red Leicester

Bonne nouvelle, les Glasgowians aiment le fromage. J'ai repere 2 ou 3 fromageries en ville et meme au supermarche on trouve a peu pres tout ce qu'on veut, y compris du brie, du chevre et du camembert francais. Le Red Leicester est un full fat hard cheese orange friable (impossible a raper) a la saveur pas degueu qui rappelle un peu le comte.
Je l'ai introduit dans une salade toute simple mais a tomber...

  • 1 avocat mur a point, detaille en cubes
  • 1 pomme (n'importe quelle Gala fera l'affaire), detaillee en cubes
  • 1 gros morceau de Red Leicester, detaille en cubes

  • 1 trait de jus de citron

  • 1 cs de sauce soja
  • 3 cs d'huile d'olive

  • quelques noix de cajou, grossierement hachees

  • The elder man lay back and looked at him with half-closed eyes.
    "By the way, Dorian," he said after a pause, "'what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose--how does the quotation run?-- his own soul'?"

    The music jarred, and Dorian Gray started and stared at his friend.
    "Why do you ask me that, Harry?"

    "My dear fellow," said Lord Henry, elevating his eyebrows in surprise, "I asked you because I thought you might be able to give me an answer. That is all. I was going through the park last Sunday, and close by the Marble Arch there stood a little crowd of shabby-looking people listening to some vulgar street-preacher. As I passed by, I heard the man yelling out that question to his audience. It struck me as being rather dramatic. London is very rich in curious effects of that kind. A wet Sunday, an uncouth Christian in a mackintosh, a ring of sickly white faces under a broken roof of dripping umbrellas, and a wonderful phrase flung into the air by shrill hysterical lips--it was really very good in its way, quite a suggestion. I thought of telling the prophet that art had a soul, but that man had not. I am afraid, however, he would not have understood me."

    Oscar Wilde, The picture of Dorian Gray

    3 commentaires:

    Anonyme a dit…

    And what about roquefort (NDA : à prononcer avec un accent anglais)? I can bite for a piece of roquefort...

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