Maigres au barbecue
Prévoir deux maigres moyens pour 3 ou 4 personnes. Les évider et les nettoyer, leur couper la tête. Cuire sur le barbecue 15-20 minutes, avec la peau et rien d'autre qu'un filet de citron. Une fois l'arrête centrale retirée, vous pouvez y aller !
Tourteaux au court-bouillon
Prévoir deux tourteaux (vivants et pleins !) pour 3 à 4 personnes. Les immerger dans une casserole d'eau froide et assaisonner de sel, poivre et thym (ou herbes de provence). Porter à ébullition puis cuire à petits bouillons pendant 20 minutes. Sortir les tourteaux et les égoutter. Laisser refroidir avant de les décortiquer. Déguster la chair nature ou avec un peu de mayo.
Seiches à la plancha
Prévoir 1 kg de seiches et 2 poivrons (un rouge, un vert) pour 2 à 4 personnes. Nettoyer les seiches et couper le blanc en morceaux. Verser un filet d'huile d'olive sur la plancha, laisser chauffer quelques minutes. Disposer les lanières de poivrons et faire revenir/confire 10-15 minutes. Ajouter les seiches, monter le feu. Saisir 5 à 10 minutes. Quelques zestes d'orange peuvent agrémenter le plat.
Rent a flat above a shop, cut your hair and get a job.
Smoke some fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school.
But still you'll never get it right
'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall
If you call your Dad he could stop it all.
You'll never live like common people
You'll never do what common people do
You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view, and dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do.
Sing along with the common people, sing along and it might just get you thru'
Laugh along with the common people
Laugh along even though they're laughing at you and the stupid things that you do.
Because you think that poor is cool.
Smoke some fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school.
But still you'll never get it right
'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall
If you call your Dad he could stop it all.
You'll never live like common people
You'll never do what common people do
You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view, and dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do.
Sing along with the common people, sing along and it might just get you thru'
Laugh along with the common people
Laugh along even though they're laughing at you and the stupid things that you do.
Because you think that poor is cool.
Pulp, Common People.
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